Chien-tsuen Chen, assistant of cross-strait organization
A:Does joining the cross-straight camp make your life different or inspire your values of life?
Q:Yes, of course. Living under this political and military threat from China, also exaggerate statements by mass media, we somewhat might be influenced then feel hostility towards people in China; nevertheless, after having the real contact with students from there, my previous attitude changed! I experience the sincere relations between Taiwan and Chinese students. They learn how to think more widely in such a complicated cross-straight case and be mature towards things happened to them.
A: Since being involved with so many teams, which team or activity impresses you the most? Why? (Still waiting for his mail)
A: What’s the difference between students of two sides? (Still waiting for his mail)
A:What can attract an Otaku to sign up for the cross-straight team?
Q:We have many members so called “Otaku” in our team. Like what you depict, they spend lots of time on on-line games and don’t pay much attention on their appearance; however, obviously, they really excel at computer stuff! They can file the minute and complicated document well through computer.
We need their skill and concentration on works. In cross-straight organization, they not only can give full play to their ability but have more chances to deal with people instead of on-line games.
A: What’s the possible development of cross-strait organization in the future?(Still waiting for his mail)
Tanya's Interview
回覆刪除As Chien-tsuen Chen mentioned, the interviewee, it will never be too late for "Otaku" guys to step out. Instead, beyond our stereotype, the skill and concention are the exact superior qualities needed by the cross-straight team. If an Otaku attempts to move forward, one will be welcomed for sure. Just unhook the on-line games, and you will find a wilder world in front you!
Discussion on SL!
回覆刪除[0:10] catecha Inaka: gracie says that we discuss ben's news first
[0:11] Benben Pelazzi: ok so i'm the reporter first
[0:11] catecha Inaka: yeah
[0:12] Benben Pelazzi: areyou goingto decide whp organzer and reviser and editor?
[0:12] Angelique Nayar: http://benbenpelazzi.blogspot.com/
[0:12] Benben Pelazzi: yep
[0:12] Benben Pelazzi: i updated this morning
[0:12] Benben Pelazzi: my news is
[0:13] catecha Inaka: i ve been the organizer once
[0:13] catecha Inaka: so it won;t be me
[0:13] Benben Pelazzi: the interview with Nelson rafter the project
[0:14] Benben Pelazzi: in order to see if he's wild enough to join the activities we'll conduct for him
[0:14] Benben Pelazzi: like bind him with a foreigner
[0:14] Angelique Nayar: your writing in this piece of news is interesting
[0:14] Benben Pelazzi: for one day
[0:15] Angelique Nayar: connect his otaku style with the Fool's day
[0:15] Benben Pelazzi: yep...
[0:15] Benben Pelazzi: XD
[0:15] Benben Pelazzi: t's really ironical
[0:16] Jacqueline Maven: but interesting
[0:16] Benben Pelazzi: hmm thanks
[0:17] Jacqueline Maven: so we should have organizer and editor now?
[0:17] Benben Pelazzi: is Gracie my reviser?
[0:18] Benben Pelazzi: reviewer, i mena
[0:18] Jacqueline Maven: reviser?
[0:18] catecha Inaka: i hope that after this transformation, nelson coyld be thoroughly transformed inside out
[0:18] Benben Pelazzi: mean
[0:18] Jacqueline Maven: o ok
[0:18] catecha Inaka: how about we set rules that
[0:18] Jacqueline Maven: like the previous time
[0:19] Benben Pelazzi: ok
[0:19] Benben Pelazzi: so i'm cat's reviewer
[0:19] catecha Inaka: yes
[0:19] catecha Inaka: i am tanya's
[0:19] Jacqueline Maven: i 'm gracie's reviewer
[0:19] Jacqueline Maven: ok
[0:19] Benben Pelazzi: ok
[0:19] catecha Inaka: ok
[0:20] Benben Pelazzi: ok so
[0:20] Angelique Nayar: http://benbenpelazzi.blogspot.com/
[0:20] catecha Inaka: so we keep on ben's article
[0:20] Benben Pelazzi: any advice for me?
[0:20] Angelique Nayar: keep focusing on ben's first
[0:21] Angelique Nayar: ha
[0:21] catecha Inaka: (btw, i wanna ask that is ""article"" a countable or uncountable word?)
[0:21] catecha Inaka: can we say i wrote these article"s"
[0:21] catecha Inaka: hahahhaa
[0:22] Benben Pelazzi: wha do you mena?
[0:22] Jacqueline Maven: ya
[0:22] Benben Pelazzi: you mean the interview?
[0:22] Angelique Nayar: it seems like Nelson's transformation is all about meeting and developing relationship with more girls
[0:22] catecha Inaka: or peices of articles
[0:22] catecha Inaka: ?
[0:22] Jacqueline Maven: pieces of articles
[0:22] Jacqueline Maven: i think
[0:22] catecha Inaka: okay
[0:23] catecha Inaka: fine
[0:23] Benben Pelazzi: so maybe i can change it to a larger purpose
[0:23] Benben Pelazzi: not for girls only
[0:23] catecha Inaka: gracie suggests we go to eng coffee with nelson
[0:23] Angelique Nayar: we can invite Nelson to English Cafe together with us
[0:23] Jacqueline Maven: hahahaha
[0:23] Benben Pelazzi: hahaha
[0:23] catecha Inaka: the goals might result from "chasing girls"
[0:24] Angelique Nayar: and we can do the interview with him
[0:24] Benben Pelazzi: anyone who has gone to english Cafe this semester?
[0:24] catecha Inaka: but maybe he will change his mind during the process?
[0:24] Benben Pelazzi: hmm maybe
[0:24] Benben Pelazzi: maybe he'' becom more mature
[0:24] Angelique Nayar: Eng cafe hasn't yet started until next week I think
[0:24] catecha Inaka: so you can develope ideas from the original though
[0:24] catecha Inaka: thought
[0:25] catecha Inaka: but the outcome no body know s
[0:25] Benben Pelazzi: that changing himself is not only for girls bu for his public images or something
[0:25] Jacqueline Maven: so his mian goals is to meet girls>
[0:25] Jacqueline Maven: more girls?
[0:25] Benben Pelazzi: hmm
[0:25] Benben Pelazzi: more girls
[0:26] Benben Pelazzi: and will be considered to be handsome for girls
[0:26] catecha Inaka: is the date 4/1 too early for our unterview?
[0:26] Benben Pelazzi: tht girls will not onlt treat him like a sister
[0:26] Benben Pelazzi: XD
[0:27] catecha Inaka: interview
[0:27] Benben Pelazzi: well, he won't be ok at night in 4/1
[0:27] catecha Inaka: where's he going
[0:27] Jacqueline Maven: so when his is ok?
[0:27] Benben Pelazzi: because he'sgoing to a boling contest
[0:27] Benben Pelazzi: he's good at bowling
[0:27] Jacqueline Maven: boling~~
[0:27] Benben Pelazzi: of his department
[0:27] catecha Inaka: bowiing~
[0:28] Benben Pelazzi: or should we join him?
[0:28] Benben Pelazzi: hahahaha
[0:28] catecha Inaka: so we will interview after spring break right?
[0:28] Angelique Nayar: ok so another feature of Nelson ha
[0:28] catecha Inaka: join him to the game?
[0:28] Benben Pelazzi: but that's not our main purpose right?
[0:28] Jacqueline Maven: after spring break is ok~
[0:28] Angelique Nayar: I think interview after spring break is good
[0:28] Benben Pelazzi: ok then after spring break
[0:29] Angelique Nayar: so what do you mean by our main purpose?
[0:29] Benben Pelazzi: so, the occasion will be Eng Cafe?
[0:29] Benben Pelazzi: to take him to public and see if any girls will be hooked by him
[0:29] Benben Pelazzi: hahahah
[0:30] Angelique Nayar: with his magazine
[0:30] Angelique Nayar: haha
[0:30] catecha Inaka: so when do we take him out?
[0:30] Benben Pelazzi: yep
[0:30] Benben Pelazzi: to be a sale of himself
[0:30] Benben Pelazzi: salesman
[0:30] catecha Inaka: time settling?
[0:30] Jacqueline Maven: he can bring that magzine with him as an openning
[0:30] Benben Pelazzi: hahahaha
[0:31] Benben Pelazzi: or should we go to a pub?
[0:31] catecha Inaka: gracie brought out a new idea
[0:31] Jacqueline Maven: what ?
[0:31] catecha Inaka: we could act like a auction
[0:31] Benben Pelazzi: hahahaha
[0:31] Benben Pelazzi: for whom?
[0:31] catecha Inaka: "auctioning nelson"
[0:32] Angelique Nayar: we are like the straight eye on Otaku guy
[0:32] Angelique Nayar: haha
[0:32] catecha Inaka: for foreign girls
[0:32] Angelique Nayar: fabulous 4
[0:32] Benben Pelazzi: WOW
[0:32] Benben Pelazzi: good proposal
[0:32] catecha Inaka: every girl could toss coins
[0:32] Benben Pelazzi: toss coins for what
[0:32] catecha Inaka: the highest get the chance to interact with him
[0:33] catecha Inaka: = =
[0:33] catecha Inaka: or could fet the magazine free
[0:33] catecha Inaka: get
[0:33] Benben Pelazzi: oh i understand
[0:33] Benben Pelazzi: hmmm
[0:33] Angelique Nayar: yep get to have a date with him~~
[0:33] Jacqueline Maven: i get it
[0:34] Benben Pelazzi: hahaha
[0:34] Angelique Nayar: the highest bid
[0:34] Angelique Nayar: gets the dating chance
[0:34] Benben Pelazzi: like大學生了沒
[0:34] Benben Pelazzi: ok
[0:34] Angelique Nayar: like Oueer Eye on the Straight Guy
[0:34] Benben Pelazzi: but whre?
[0:34] Angelique Nayar: u mean the auction?
[0:34] Jacqueline Maven: good question
[0:34] Benben Pelazzi: MIDI?
[0:35] catecha Inaka: but there's a technical question, id nelson can't speak fluently
[0:35] Angelique Nayar: ok Midi IS GOOD
[0:35] Benben Pelazzi: hmm
[0:35] catecha Inaka: would nelson bore the girl?
[0:35] Benben Pelazzi: i'll ask him to practivce
[0:35] Angelique Nayar: HA
[0:35] catecha Inaka: or they just keep silent....
[0:35] Benben Pelazzi: kind of....
[0:35] Jacqueline Maven: you mean those girls will be foreign girls?
[0:35] Benben Pelazzi: maybe dating with him is a punishment
[0:36] Benben Pelazzi: XD
[0:36] catecha Inaka: yeah
[0:36] catecha Inaka: ...
[0:36] Angelique Nayar: no we don't limit our guests
[0:36] Angelique Nayar: ha
[0:36] catecha Inaka: so we should tell the girl to be prepared
[0:36] Benben Pelazzi: so both taiwanese gilrs and foreigners?
[0:37] catecha Inaka: both
[0:37] Angelique Nayar: yep
[0:37] Benben Pelazzi: ok
[0:37] Jacqueline Maven: girls meet in eng cafe
[0:38] Benben Pelazzi: what?
[0:38] Benben Pelazzi: so we are goignto take him to Cafe or Midi?
[0:39] Jacqueline Maven: midi
[0:39] Benben Pelazzi: ok
[0:39] catecha Inaka: m m
[0:39] Angelique Nayar: so the auction will be held on Nelson's party at MIDI
[0:39] Benben Pelazzi: but how sould we advertise him
[0:39] catecha Inaka: if we are done with ben;s we could move on to tanya's
[0:39] Benben Pelazzi: ok
[0:39] Angelique Nayar: BBS~
[0:39] Benben Pelazzi: we'll talk it later
[0:39] catecha Inaka: bbs is fine
[0:39] catecha Inaka: ?
[0:40] catecha Inaka: dorm...
[0:40] Jacqueline Maven: hahaha
[0:40] catecha Inaka: p_dorm
[0:40] Benben Pelazzi: Tanya's turn
[0:40] Benben Pelazzi: hahaha
[0:40] catecha Inaka: ncu_dorm
[0:40] Benben Pelazzi: GOOD!!
[0:40] Jacqueline Maven: hahahaha
[0:41] Jacqueline Maven: my interview is partly done
[0:41] catecha Inaka: omg, i predict the news will be awesome
[0:41] catecha Inaka: will be huge.....
[0:41] Benben Pelazzi: yep
[0:41] Jacqueline Maven: cuz he didn't sent me his answer back
[0:41] Angelique Nayar: you mean our auction?
[0:41] Angelique Nayar: ha
[0:41] Benben Pelazzi: will be on the first page of NCU newspaper
[0:41] catecha Inaka: all of it
[0:41] catecha Inaka: you see, we publish on bbs by b -ad
[0:42] catecha Inaka: and we hold a party for him
[0:42] Benben Pelazzi: ok
[0:42] Angelique Nayar: I suggest we can also invite some exchange students from China, cuz Tanya's is taliking about the cross-straight thing
[0:42] catecha Inaka: it all sounds hard
[0:42] Jacqueline Maven: good
[0:42] catecha Inaka: but interestinh
[0:42] Benben Pelazzi: cool
[0:42] Angelique Nayar: yep
[0:43] catecha Inaka: tanya is .......
[0:43] Jacqueline Maven: hahahahha
[0:43] Angelique Nayar: I knew one exchange students who studies in our department this semester
[0:43] catecha Inaka: who?
[0:43] Angelique Nayar: I can invite her
[0:43] Jacqueline Maven: from china
[0:44] catecha Inaka: is she pretty?
[0:44] catecha Inaka: ha
[0:44] Benben Pelazzi: i know who she is
[0:44] Angelique Nayar: how does China girls see the Otaku
[0:44] Benben Pelazzi: she takes Death couse
[0:44] Angelique Nayar: yep
[0:44] Benben Pelazzi: she's...ok
[0:44] Jacqueline Maven: how old is she?
[0:44] Angelique Nayar: that girl
[0:44] catecha Inaka: or did their country has otaku
[0:44] Angelique Nayar: yep ok
[0:44] Benben Pelazzi: hahaha
[0:44] Benben Pelazzi: chinese otaku
[0:44] Benben Pelazzi: XD
[0:45] catecha Inaka: did they have the culture
[0:45] Jacqueline Maven: they have otaku too
[0:45] Angelique Nayar: or how does them see the reborn project
[0:45] Benben Pelazzi: relly?
[0:45] Jacqueline Maven: yep
[0:45] Benben Pelazzi: hmm cool
[0:45] Jacqueline Maven: they told me before
[0:45] catecha Inaka: or how they see as the cross-straight relationship?
[0:45] Benben Pelazzi: i can ask my friend for Guademale
[0:45] Jacqueline Maven: the similar meanning as ours
[0:46] Benben Pelazzi: ask him to take some foreign girls
[0:46] catecha Inaka: but they speak spainsh right
[0:46] Jacqueline Maven: it wiil be a really big news
[0:46] Benben Pelazzi: but they can speak english
[0:46] Benben Pelazzi: who can't though
[0:46] Jacqueline Maven: ?
[0:47] Benben Pelazzi: he's really goingto be the next shot of NCU
[0:47] catecha Inaka: so the meeting will be held after s.b in enf coffee
[0:48] Benben Pelazzi: yep
[0:48] Angelique Nayar: hopefully he could be a big shout!
[0:48] Angelique Nayar: shot
[0:48] catecha Inaka: and the party will be
[0:48] Benben Pelazzi: i'll ask him what day will be fine
[0:48] catecha Inaka: maybe in may
[0:48] Benben Pelazzi: so after mid-term?
[0:48] catecha Inaka: in midi
[0:48] Jacqueline Maven: fine
[0:48] Angelique Nayar: yep
[0:48] Benben Pelazzi: sure
[0:48] catecha Inaka: after midterm is great
[0:48] Benben Pelazzi: maybe after swim contest
[0:48] catecha Inaka: m?
[0:49] Jacqueline Maven: when?
[0:49] Benben Pelazzi: wait
[0:49] catecha Inaka: hahahah
[0:49] Benben Pelazzi: his B-day is inMay
[0:49] catecha Inaka: oops
[0:49] Jacqueline Maven: ohohoh
[0:49] Jacqueline Maven: on his b-day?
[0:49] Benben Pelazzi: 5/25
[0:49] catecha Inaka: an auction and b-day party plus
[0:50] Benben Pelazzi: or before it
[0:50] catecha Inaka: 5/25 too late
[0:50] catecha Inaka: ?
[0:50] Benben Pelazzi: the winner in the auktion will get the chance to share Bday with him
[0:50] catecha Inaka: yeah
[0:50] catecha Inaka: we think so too
[0:50] Benben Pelazzi: hahaha
[0:51] Benben Pelazzi: i'm goin to the toilet for a minute
[0:51] Jacqueline Maven: ok
[0:51] Angelique Nayar: ha
[0:51] Angelique Nayar: go head
[0:51] Angelique Nayar: ahead
[0:52] catecha Inaka: and later we could settle on tanya's news
[0:52] Benben Pelazzi: i'm back
[0:52] catecha Inaka: soon
[0:53] catecha Inaka: http://tytlai.blogspot.com/2009/03/interview.html
[0:53] catecha Inaka: A: In your opinion, what’s the main objective of cross-strait organization?
A: what’s the reason or enthusiasm makes you take the responsibility of cross-strait organization?
A: Since being involved with so many teams, which team or activity impresses you the most? Why?
A: What’s the difference between students of two sides?
A: What’s the possible development of cross-strait organization in the future?
[0:54] catecha Inaka: i think the quesionaire seems stiff
[0:54] catecha Inaka: hahahahaha
[0:55] Angelique Nayar: the questions are so like officially spoken ones
[0:55] Angelique Nayar: what make an Otaku sign up for the cross-straight camp like this?
[0:55] catecha Inaka: i suggest that you could ask if there are episodes or something?
[0:56] catecha Inaka: or how could you prove that the students are truly welcoming each other~
[0:57] Angelique Nayar: does joining the cross-straight camp make ur life different or inspire ur values of life?
[0:57] Angelique Nayar: hey where are u ben?
[0:58] catecha Inaka: i think that will be fun~haha
[0:58] Jacqueline Maven: m m
[1:00] Jacqueline Maven: or what kinds of questions you want to know?
[1:01] Benben Pelazzi: so silent...
[1:01] Jacqueline Maven: i can send him another more question
[1:01] Jacqueline Maven: s
[1:02] Angelique Nayar: or does the guy who have been to the cross-strait camp think participating in the camp would broaden such an Otaku like Nelson's life or views?
[1:04] Jacqueline Maven: but he is the assistant of that organization, so the questuion might be sort of formal ~~
[1:05] Jacqueline Maven: but i think i can change a little bit
[1:05] catecha Inaka: mmmm
[1:06] Jacqueline Maven: i guess he didn't done yet~
[1:06] Benben Pelazzi: well
[1:06] Angelique Nayar: ok I think you can connect a little bit more to our Nelson project
[1:07] Benben Pelazzi: so are we continue?
[1:07] catecha Inaka: yeah
[1:10] Jacqueline Maven: or how about i choose another guy to interview?
[1:10] Angelique Nayar: fine for me:)
[1:10] catecha Inaka: fine for me too
[1:10] Benben Pelazzi: me too
[1:12] Jacqueline Maven: so i should change all my quentions?
[1:13] Jacqueline Maven: to connect with our otaku topic?
[1:15] Angelique Nayar: yep
[1:15] Jacqueline Maven: gracie's interview is nearly done
[1:16] Jacqueline Maven: we can wait for her~
[1:17] Angelique Nayar: and we can have a little break
[1:17] Benben Pelazzi: hmm
[1:17] Benben Pelazzi: so who's going to be the next?
[1:17] Jacqueline Maven: i think it's gracie~~
[1:20] Angelique Nayar: my article is based on how foreigners think of the Otaku culture
[1:22] Benben Pelazzi: have you posted on the blog?
[1:22] Angelique Nayar: so Queer Eye on the Straight Guy which broadcasted at U.S. and U.K is probably the closest to mine news
[1:23] Angelique Nayar: not yet but I think I should give you some outline first so that our discussion is more efficient
[1:23] Benben Pelazzi: ok
[1:24] Angelique Nayar: so this could be applied to Nelson's case~
[1:24] Benben Pelazzi: mm ok
[1:38] Angelique Nayar: OK i'M DONE
[1:39] Benben Pelazzi: ok
[1:39] Jacqueline Maven: so lets discuss that
[1:41] Angelique Nayar: http://graciesworldpalette.blogspot.com/
[1:44] Benben Pelazzi: what's RQ?
[1:45] Benben Pelazzi: maybe you can draw a conclusion to the last paragraph
[1:46] Angelique Nayar: BEN~http://www.ncu.edu.tw/billboard01.php?bid=7549
[1:46] Angelique Nayar: show this to Nelson for joining ENg Cafe
[1:46] catecha Inaka: yeah, conclusion is necessary
[1:48] catecha Inaka: so americans called them nerd, japanese called otaku, did they have some differences or not
[1:48] catecha Inaka: maybe there's some difference you could ask
[1:49] catecha Inaka: like otaku is on-line addict
[1:49] catecha Inaka: but nerds are addicted in books
[1:50] catecha Inaka: maybe the definition should be clarified more
[1:50] Angelique Nayar: OK
[1:50] catecha Inaka: that's my suggestion
[1:51] catecha Inaka: http://catecha.blogspot.com/
[1:51] catecha Inaka: my news
[1:51] catecha Inaka: hot
[1:51] Jacqueline Maven: ok
[1:51] catecha Inaka: but the questions are not built yet
[1:51] Angelique Nayar: maybe I sould ask a foreign girl's opinion?
[1:51] Benben Pelazzi: yes
[1:51] Benben Pelazzi: it's important
[1:52] Angelique Nayar: ok~
[1:52] Angelique Nayar: I think we can wrap up our discussion today haha
[1:53] Angelique Nayar: "wrap up" teachers always like to use
[1:54] Benben Pelazzi: hahaha
[1:54] catecha Inaka: hey
[1:54] Angelique Nayar: so so so where should we post our chatting script
[1:54] Benben Pelazzi: so just wrap up?
[1:54] Benben Pelazzi: hmm
[1:55] catecha Inaka: yeah, wrap up~!
[1:55] Benben Pelazzi: everyone needs to post the transcript
[1:55] Angelique Nayar: whre on our blog?
[1:55] Jacqueline Maven: in our own blogger
[1:55] Jacqueline Maven: ?
[1:55] Benben Pelazzi: our blogs
[1:55] Jacqueline Maven: ok
[1:56] Benben Pelazzi: with the revised news
[1:56] Angelique Nayar: ok~
[1:57] Benben Pelazzi: no
[1:57] Jacqueline Maven: so post it on next Tue?
[1:57] Benben Pelazzi: post it with the comments on other's news
[1:57] catecha Inaka: ?
[1:57] catecha Inaka: comments+script
[1:57] catecha Inaka: in one article?
[1:57] Benben Pelazzi: yes
[1:58] Angelique Nayar: so our commet i due on Friday night right?
[1:58] Benben Pelazzi: comments need to be posted by Fri