In Gracie’s “Foreigner Eye on Otaku Guy”, our group suggest that the more clear definition to Otaku is better. Every different culture may have a word bears a similar meaning to another’s but exists a little difference indeed. To Japanese and Taiwan, Otaku might be negative; on the contrary, in other country, it might be neutral or even positive.
Still, drawing a conclusion in the last paragraph will be better.
[1:13] Jacqueline Maven: to connect with our otaku topic?
[1:15] Angelique Nayar: yep
[1:15] Jacqueline Maven: gracie's interview is nearly done
[1:16] Jacqueline Maven: we can wait for her~
[1:17] Angelique Nayar: and we can have a little break
[1:17] Benben Pelazzi: hmm
[1:17] Benben Pelazzi: so who's going to be the next?
[1:17] Jacqueline Maven: i think it's gracie~~
[1:20] Angelique Nayar: my article is based on how foreigners think of the Otaku culture
[1:22] Benben Pelazzi: have you posted on the blog?
[1:22] Angelique Nayar: so Queer Eye on the Straight Guy which broadcasted at U.S. and U.K is probably the closest to mine news
[1:23] Angelique Nayar: not yet but I think I should give you some outline first so that our discussion is more efficient
[1:23] Benben Pelazzi: ok
[1:24] Angelique Nayar: so this could be applied to Nelson's case~
[1:24] Benben Pelazzi: mm ok
[1:38] Angelique Nayar: OK i'M DONE
[1:39] Benben Pelazzi: ok
[1:39] Jacqueline Maven: so lets discuss that
[1:41] Angelique Nayar:
[1:44] Benben Pelazzi: what's RQ?
[1:45] Benben Pelazzi: maybe you can draw a conclusion to the last paragraph
[1:45] Angelique Nayar: BEN~
[1:46] Angelique Nayar: show this to Nelson for joining ENg Cafe
[1:46] catecha Inaka: yeah, conclusion is necessary
[1:48] catecha Inaka: so americans called them nerd, japanese called otaku, did they have some differences or not
[1:48] catecha Inaka: maybe there's some difference you could ask
[1:49] catecha Inaka: like otaku is on-line addict
[1:49] catecha Inaka: but nerds are addicted in books
[1:50] catecha Inaka: maybe the definition should be clarified more
[1:50] Angelique Nayar: OK
[1:50] catecha Inaka: that's my suggestion